The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma!

For some time now, I have been wanting to have a team @SABIS®-Adma that cheers and encourages our players that are giving amazing results but are constantly lacking some moral support.

Members of all the different sports teams in @SABIS®-Adma are all outstanding, but never have a big enough crowd that is there to cheer them on or give them extra support to make them feel like they can soldier on, regardless of the exhaustion they might be sensing.

Hence, the SLO® decided to start a Spirit Squad that would cheer on our players and give them that extra push they truly deserve. The try outs for the Spirit Squad have been done and there are 20 very excited girls that want to join the team with a total of 27 girls cheering on our valuable players.

I can’t wait to get started on this new journey that I’m sure will have a huge impact on the school and on our players.

Lea Chalhoub-G11 

The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma
The Spirit Squad @SABIS®-Adma