@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying!
In November 2018, @SABIS®-Adma SLO® held a bullying awareness campaign.
Students from all grades came together and talked about the 3 different types of bullying that occur (physical, verbal, and cyber). The students signed pledges in which they promised to speak up if any bullying occurs at @SABIS®-Adma, and also came up with ways to prevent bullying.
It was very inspiring to see all @SABIS®-Adma students come together to help make a change.
Maria Theresa Dina–G10
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying
@SABIS®-Adma vs Bullying