@SABIS®-Adma Beach Clean Up!
On a sunny Sunday of the month of May 2018, @SABIS®-Adma SLO® went to Byblos’s rocky beaches to help clean up all the shore.
We immensely enjoyed the experience and we are proud of ourselves for doing something good for the environment and marine life. We contributed to society, and will keep on doing so until future generations can enjoy clean, trash-free beaches.
Tatiana Van den Haute – G10
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up
@SABIS-Adma Beach Clean Up