Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma!
After all the hard work that bus drivers and janitorial staff do to make us happy, the SLO® @SABIS®-Adma decided to organize an “Appreciation Day” to bring out the smiles on their faces too.
This event was a great success and all the SLO® prefects were happy to give back and compensate the hard work of the people who safely take us, @SABIS®-Adma students, to and from school as well as to those who keep @SABIS®-Adma clean for us.
Gaelle Youness–G10
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma
Appreciation Day @SABIS®-Adma