Community Service @SABIS®-Adma
A bake sale was organized by Grade 11 students of @SABIS® –Adma as one of the many projects they undertook to gather community service hours for college. Grade 11 students prepared in advance for many weeks - cutting coupons, organizing tables, preparing food, and advertising the event. All the hard work paid off and they were happier than ever. The bake sale took place near the SLO where it was accessible for students in Grade 4 and above. Coupons were bought, food was sold, bellies were filled, and students were ecstatic.
Theresia Nakhoul-G9
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service
@SABIS®-Adma..Community Service